The Loudest Whisper You've Ever Heard - Crimson Bright Apothecary

The Loudest Whisper You've Ever Heard

  The Omphalos Limen lives in another world, too far away to even imagine. If I told you what it is, you wouldn’t believe me… but its intelligence and intentions ripple out across space and time, whispering to us differently in each realm.

  It is the Luminous Flux of Attraction. The Hollow of Guidance. The Centre of the Threshold. The Centre of the Soul… Some have also called it the Lumen of Cynosure.

  The Crimson Bright calls it my darling

  It brings attraction, gravity, brilliance, and value.


  The word “omphalos” holds meaning for us in Earth’s Herstory already — in Ancient Greek, the word means “navel”, and represents The Centre. In Delphi, the oracles kept sacred stones called the Omphalos that held great power.

  The Queen of a bee hive also carries an Omphalos — as a dark round hump on her body. It is believed that the Queen (and her Omphalos) is the point through which higher dimensional energy enters this realm.


  There are not many things I can tell you about the true Omphalos Limen, but I will tell you this — it is a sacred intelligent object that has been been guarded, loved, feared, stolen, kept, rescued, and activated; it influences many things, both seen and unseen. The way it appears on the outside causes many to believe that they desire it — but this is merely a trick of the mind. Its true power is unlocked when one can slacken the reigns on that which you have become so attached, and allow its

     living stillness

         & rich deep quiet

to guide you toward your higher path. A truer path.


  Within this web rests a series of teachers, designed by the Divine Programmers to help us explore and master our potential, decondition our hologram, and reprogram our realities with intention. These are the keys to your cage; the cheat codes to your matrix.

  So, though I cannot say more on what my darling is or where it comes from, I can invite you to listen to these whispers with an open heart and remain curious. You never know where you might end up.



          This is just the beginning, my darling.



In a galaxy far, far away...

  There lives a woman that cannot be placed. And her role is to protect the Omphalos Limen.

  "It looks like a plant, but it isn't," says Irym. "Only you know what it is -- what is it?"


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